Landscaping Guidelines

Oak River Subdivision Landscaping Guidelines
The Oak River Subdivision is one of the most desirable locations to live in Troy. One factor that separates our
subdivision from most is the care and attention that Oak River homeowners demonstrate with maintaining
their homes and landscaping. During the past 10 years the Oak River Board has supported improvements like,
replacing the entrance signage, refurbishing the stone walls, enhanced the entrances planting, installed new
entrance lighting, contracted for holiday lighting, refurbished 3 common are bridges, erected 2 children’s
libraries, and refurbished our 42-year-old weir and spillway. In the spirit of maintaining the appearance and
desirability of our subdivision, the board has compiled a list of landscaping guidelines that represent the
common practices of Oak River homeowners. See our website www.oakriverwest.com
Lawns should be relatively weed free and should not be overrun with dandelions in the spring. Re-seed dead or stressed grass in the spring or fall.
Cut lawns as required to maintain an appearance consistent with our neighborhood. Gardens are to be planted in the rear of homeowner’s property.
Water lawn as needed to minimize plant stress during the summer. Watering systems shall be used during the non-peak of hours of 11 PM to 5 PM.
Michigan law restricts the use of phosphorus fertilizer application on lawns.
Cover defined plant beds with a plastic or fabric weed barrier. Remove weeds from plant beds as needed and apply mulch around plants, trees, and bushes.
Edge lawn adjacent to paved surfaces. (Sidewalks, Driveways, and Road Curbs)
Prune shrubs, trees, and bushes to prevent an overgrown appearance around your home.
Prune shrubs, trees, and bushes to avoid interference with pedestrian sidewalks.
Prune or remove landscaping near the intersection of driveways and sidewalks to prevent blind spots from cars backing down driveways.
Use weed killer to prevent weed growth in sidewalk and driveway cracks.
Remove dead landscaping and grind tree stumps below ground level.
Residents whose property is adjacent to Long Lake, Coolidge Hwy. and Beach roads are responsible for maintaining the landscaping on the berm adjacent to the road including pruning or removing branches that interfere with pedestrian sidewalks.
Residents should refrain from accumulating debris and litter on their property or dumping debris or litter in the commons area or along adjacent roads.
Mailboxes need to be maintained and stand straight.
House number should be affixed to mailboxes and homes in clear view.
Property owners are responsible for clearing snow over 2 inches deep and any ice from the public sidewalks adjacent to their property, except for sidewalks adjacent to Coolidge Hwy. and Long Lake Rd. Over two inches of snow and any ice should be cleared within 24 hours following the end of the snow event.
Drains on streets and easements should be kept free of debris and litter.
Trash, recycling, and yard waste should be placed at the curb no sooner that 5 PM on the preceding pick up day. Collection starts at 7 AM on your trash day. Empty containers should be removed from the curb within 24 hours after trash day pickup.
Neighbors that walk their dogs are requested to pick up their dog poop and dispose it their trash. Do not place your dog poop in neighbors trash cans on trash pickup day.